WeTalk Podcast

Siyakhuluma WeTalk podcast is a platform that gives our voice to be heard for people seeking protection and other communities.

 SIYAKHULUMA: 🇿🇼Ndebele language for We Talk

Your Podcast Host

Nico Ndlovu, originally from Zimbabwe, has lived in Scotland for the best part of 2 decades. He is a podcast producer for Siyakhuluma We Talk Podcast, which centres the experiences of asylum seekers in the UK. He also hosts various events including his own comedy open mic night: That Guy Comedy Show.

Nico has volunteered with various projects and charities since he arrived in Glasgow 2010, with his focus always being on the movement of people such as asylum seekers and refugees.

After engaging with the South East Integration Network, primarily through his podcasting work, Nico became a board member in 2024. He also volunteers with the NACCOM Network (The No Accommodation Network) a UK wide organisation based in England, as a Community Researcher.

Nico is also a member of One Strong Voice, the UK’s first coalition of campaigners with lived experience of the immigration and asylum system, and also volunteers with Castlemilk Community Church Furniture Project.

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