WeTalk Podcast
WeTalk is a platform that gives Asylum Seekers and communities voices to be heard
SIYAKHULUMA: 🇿🇼Ndebele language for We Talk
Degrowth in Scotland: Featured Episodes

Degrowth in Scotland Episode 5
Nico speaks to Thomas Fisher and Theona Morrison

Degrowth in Scotland Episode 4
Nico Speaks to Lauren Pyott, founder of Clatchworks

Degrowth in Scotland Episode 3
Nico speaks to Joss Allen and Kate Chambers
Featured Episodes of We Talk

Episode 12
Asylum Seekers vs Poverty in 2021 Guest Speaker Ndaba Victor.

Episode 11
Stories For Lockdown Anniversary and Hopes

Episode 10
Let's Hear voices from Service providers for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Talking to Elaine ortiz
Look back: Episode Guide.
Every week we record and upload new conversations.
We talk to people in refugee community to help share happiness and hope.
If you would like to join us on a future episode get in touch.

Ep. 09
The impact lockdown has on Asylum seekers and refugees.

Ep. 08
The Effect Of Lockdown

Ep. 07
People who love travelling

Ep. 06
African Small Businesses

Ep. 05
Parents become teachers

Ep. 04
Talking about Gps and hospitals

Ep. 03
My story about first lockdown in the UK

Ep. 02
Socialization differences between Africa and Europe

Ep. 01
Asylum system in the UK
Navigate: A Guide To Asylum Life
Nico has worked with Mental Health Foundation Scotland since 2023 on their podcast episodes, producing and interviewing people on their experience on mental health and the impact has on people seeking protection in the UK. Everyone deserves a good mental health. This four part series shares experiences and interviews experts about four aspects of life for people seeking asylum in Scotland. Listen to the episodes below: